Elo Touch Solutions Multi-touch Driver Package for Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Windows10 / Windows11 Package Version: Release Date: August 27, 2024 Touch Panel Systems K.K. Elo Touch Solutions, Inc. ========================================================================= はじめに ========================================================================= この度は弊社製品をご購入頂き、誠に有り難う御座います。 「Elo Multi-touch Driver」は、弊社タッチパネル製品用のWindows 7 , Windows 8 , Windows 8.1 , Windows 10の32bit/64bit、およびWindows 11 64bit 用デジタイザー・ドライバ・ソフトウェアです。 本ドライバ・ソフトウェアにはセットアップ・プログラム、タッチ位置補正・ プログラム、コントロール・パネル・プログラムが含まれています。 本ドライバ・ソフトウェアをインストールすると、弊社製タッチパネルは Windows Touchデバイスとして動作します。 下記事項およびユーザーマニュアルをご一読頂き、弊社製品を末永くご使用頂 けますようお願い申し上げます。 ========================================================================= 注意事項(本ソフトウェア導入前に必ずお読み下さい) ========================================================================= ※本ソフトウェアを導入する事によって発生したトラブルに関しまして、弊社で は一切の責任を負いかねます。トラブルが発生した際に環境を元の状態に戻せ るよう、本ソフトウェアのインストール前に、必ずご使用中のシステムのバッ クアップをお取り下さい。 ※本ソフトウェアには、現段階では対応しきれない制限事項が御座います。障害 が発生した場合、これらの制限事項に書き込まれている内容に関しましては、 サポート出来ませんので、あらかじめご了承下さい。 ※弊社はお客様に対し、本書および本ソフトウェアの使用または使用不能から生 じる如何なる障害(事業利益の損害、事業の中断、事業場所の損失、又は、その 他の金銭的障害を含む)に対しても一切の責任を負わないものとします。 ※本書および本ソフトウェアの内容は、将来予告無しに変更する事があります。 ※本製品(ソフトウェア、マニュアルを含む)の一部あるいは全部について、如何 なる方法においても無断で複写、複製は禁じられております。ただし、お客様 御自身で本ソフトウェアをバックアップする目的に限り、本製品を1部のみ複 製することが出来ます。 ※本書に記述されている会社名、製品名などは、それぞれ各社の登録商標または 商標です。 ※本ソフトウェアの導入中に「使用許諾契約書」が表示されますので、必ず最後 までお読み下さい。 ========================================================================= 動作環境、制限事項 ========================================================================= この項では、本ソフトウェアをご利用頂く為に必要な環境と、現段階では対応 しきれていない本ソフトウェアをご使用頂くにあたっての「制限事項」について 記述しています。制限事項に書き込まれている内容に関しては、現時点ではサポ ートできませんのであらかじめご了承下さい。 ●動作環境 ※システム装置 DOS/V機(AT互換機) ※OS Windows 7 (32bitおよび64bit版) Windows 8 (32bitおよび64bit版) Windows 8.1 (32bitおよび64bit版) Windows 10 (32bitおよび64bit版) Windows 11 (64bit版) Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 / 2012 / 2012R2 / 2016 / 2019 / 2022 ※ご使用のOSがWindows 7,Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1の場合 本ドライバは、MicrosoftのSHA-2デジタル署名を使用しています。 ドライバ・パッケージのインストールを行う前に下記の3つの更新プログラムの インストールを行ってください。 1) KB4490628のインストール 2) KB4474419のインストールと再起動 3) KB4534310のインストールと再起動 ※対応タッチ技術 iTouch(SAW) iTouch Plus(SAW) pCap Optical IntelliTouch(SAW) IntelliTouch Plus(SAW) AccuTouch IR(CarrollTouch / Multi-touch) PulseTouch ※タッチパネル・コントローラ 下記弊社製タッチパネル方式とUSB接続タイプのタッチパネル・コントローラ の組合せ iTouch Plus/IntelliTouch Plus (dual touch): 2510, 2515-00, 2515-07 2520, 2521, 3200 AccuTouch (single touch): 2210, 2216, 2218 IntelliTouch (single touch): 2310, 2500, 2700, 2701 Carroll Touch IR (single touch): 4000, 4500 Surface Capacitive (single touch): 5000, 5010 Projected Capacitive (up to 40 touch) +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | それぞれの製品でドライバが使用できるかについては | | www.elotouch.comを参照して下さい。 | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ ●制限事項 ※コマンド・プロンプト、MS-DOSモードで実行されるアプリケーションには対応 しておりません。 ※システム装置のBIOSによっては、節電機能(スタンバイモード、ハイバネーショ ン、レジュームなど)で動作しなくなる場合があります。ご確認の上、動作しな いようであれば、これらの機能が動作しないようにシステム装置の設定をして 下さい。 ※システム装置によってはタッチ動作音を出力できない事があります。 ※標準のPS/2マウスと併用で使用する事が出来ますが、ポインティング・デバイ スの種類によっては併用できない場合があります。 ※拡張したシリアル・ポートに接続された場合、正常に動作しない事があります。 ご確認の上、動作しないようであれば、拡張したシリアル・ポートへの接続を しないで下さい。 ※Windows 7 Embededの場合は下記リンクを参照ください。 https://www.tps.co.jp/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/150526_WindowsEmbeddedStandard7.pdf ※マルチモニターで使用される場合は、表示に係わる構成を整えた後に、本ソフ トウェアをインストールして下さい。 ※Windows Vista, Xpはサポートしていません。 ※タッチ音が遅れて鳴る場合があります。 ※タッチゾーンが正しく設定されない場合があります。 ※位置補正を行う際は、ディスプレイの拡大縮小の設定を100%にしてください。 ※マウスエミュレーション・モードは、スパンモードに対応していません。 ※投影型静電容量方式のタッチパネルをマルチモニタで使用される場合、接続す るPC側のUSBポートを変更すると位置補正をしたモニタとは別のモニタにタッチ が反応する場合があります。その場合は、もう一度、位置補正を行ってくださ い。 ※Windows7,Windows Server 2008 R2で使用される場合、 Windows Updateを行って、SHA-2 署名対応を行ってください。ドライバのデジタ ル署名がSHA-2のため、ドライバのインストールができません。 ※ユーザを切り替えて使用する場合は、サインアウトした後、別のユーザ・アカウン トでサインインしてください。「ユーザの切り替え」には対応していません。 ========================================================================= Elo Multi-touch Driver のインストール ========================================================================= 【注意】 ・本ドライバをインストールするにはシステム管理者(administrator)権限が必要 です。 ・異なるバージョンのタッチパネル・ドライバが既にインストールされている場 合は、本ドライバのインストールを行う前に、必ずアンインストールを行って ください。 ・シリアル接続用のドライバをインストールが必要な場合は、シリアルケーブル でタッチモニタを接続した状態で行ってください。シリアル接続されたタッチ パネル・コントローラを自動検出してドライバのインストールを行います。ド ライバのインストールを行うシリアル・ポートを指定することはできません。 1. コンピュータの電源を切り、タッチモニタに付属の説明書に従ってタッチモニ ターとコンピュータを接続して下さい。 2. タッチモニタの電源を入れて、コンピュータを起動して下さい。 3. ダウンロードした「SW603125_Elo_Windows_MultiTouch_Driver_v9.2.0.exe」 を開いてインストールを行ってください。 ※ その他のインストール方法についてはUserManual.docxを参照ください。 ========================================================================= Elo Multi-touch Driver のアンインストール ========================================================================= 1. Windowsを起動後、コントロール・パネルを開いて下さい。 2. プログラムと機能を開いてください。 3. 現在インストールされているプログラム・リストより「EloMultiTouch」 を選択して下さい。 4. アンインストールをクリックして、アンインストールを行ってください。 ※ その他のインストール方法についてはUserManual.docxを参照ください。 ========================================================================= Elo Multi-touch Driver のインストールが失敗する場合 ========================================================================= お手数をおかけいたしますが、サポートセンターにお問い合わせください。 セットアップログは、下記のフォルダに保存されます。 「%allusersprofile%\Elo Touch Solutions\」 ファイル名が「EloSetup」で始まるファイルをサポートセンターまで送ってください。 ========================================================================= 特記事項 ========================================================================= (1) シリアル接続のタッチパネルをマウス・エミュレーション・モードで使用して いて、タッチ中にシリアルケーブルが抜けるとアンタッチが出力されません。 ========================================================================= Special Notes ========================================================================= (1) For 2521 (PID 0x27) controllers with firmware versions older than 6.2, sometimes the touchscreen does not respond to touches in either the upper or lower 1-inch region of the monitor. In that case, the monitor needs to be power cycled, then re-calibrated to restore normal touch. If power cycling the monitor is not working, the utility EloCalMgr.exe (located in the target installation folder) can be used to reset the controller. (2) On Windows 10/11 with multiple touch monitors, if a touch-controller does not have a unique serial number, the touch-to-display mapping may be lost after swapping its USB port. When this happens, please reboot or re-calibrate the monitor. ========================================================================= 変更履歴 ========================================================================= Release 3.0.1 EloMtApi: pre-cal not committed to NVRam. USB driver: pivot test missing drawing segments EloConfig.exe: added command line parameter "/align" to allow video alignment. Release 3.0.2 Write NVRam is turned off by default (EloOptions.ini). Release 4.0.1 Support motherboard beep on Windows 7(both 32-bit and 64-bit systems). Support optical touch screens: 0x202E-0x06 (dual-touch) and 0x04E7- 0x80 (four-touches). Sending user defined Smartset commands (in EloOptions.ini) at system startup or driver loading. Utility to allow user to define touch enabled areas (EloTouchZones.exe). Position log files in "Elo Touch Systems" folder under "ProgramData". During calibration, once a monitor is touched, the session should be completed on that monitor. Incorrect Windows Monitor number showed in Property page if the system has un-connected video port. IT2701 sleep/resume fails about 20% of times. EloConfig unwanted popup at system startup. Support pCap touch screen 0xEEF-7200. Release 4.0.2 Serial driver: New calibration is not taking effect. Serial driver: After reboot, previous calibration is not applied. Serial driver: Pre-install either legacy serial driver or multi-touch serial driver (not both). Release 4.0.3 Correct the multi touch mode in Lumio/Optical monitor. Added Windows 8 support. Correct SmartSet timing issue. Release 4.5.0 Provide touch and video functions for IDS Suite. Provide option to limit number of touches to one touch set the value of "EnableOneTouch" under section "Setup Options" in EloOptions.ini. Users can use this feature to block multi-touch gestures. Support 6-touch Optical controller. Support new HID controller (PID 0x27). Bug fix: COACH-3 Calibration window not exiting at end of the calibration session. Provide sample program "EloDrawMultiMon.exe" utilizing new IOCTL and Elo API to demonstrate simultaneous drawing on multiple Elo touch screens. USB (0x26) better rejection for zero bezel frame touch. Send user defined Smartset commands in EloOptions.ini when USB driver loads. Updated Elo logo, icon and user license agreement. Release 6.0.0 Support Windows XP (32bit with SP3). New calibration approach (No longer need the HidCal utility. Original PreCal implementations removed). Auto mapping touch to display on Win7/8. Provide options for selecting different touch mode. Updated EloPrecal debugging/testing utility. Reduced package size. Release 6.1.0 Calibration with XY swapped/rotated. MS logo warning on XP during setup. Reboot after installation/uninstallation is no longer required. Calibration logging feature. 6-Touch IR support. Auto sizing bug fix (wrong increment cycle count). Enable controller's mouse mode on XP. Auto mapping of touch-to-display for Windows 8 and Windows 8.1. Alternative approach for calibration. Release 6.2.0 USB driver not loaded unless the cable if re-plugged or system is rebooted. Provide user options (EloOptions.ini) to use driver calibration instead of controller calibration. Correct the pCap firmware version shown in the property page. Support both new and old firmware for Optical touch monitors. Provide options to limit number of touches (please see Readme). IDS improvements: slow response, incorrect initial touch status, incorrect power status report. Release 6.2.1 Check the 2521 controller firmware version then apply onboard calibration if it's 6.2 or newer. Need to retrieve controller firmware version from the iProduct field for certain controllers. IDS: set/get monitor power status using Elo VCP codes. Release 6.3.0 Border touch warning for 2515-07 monitors. Calibration of multiple monitors in spanned display mode. Bug fix where for certain touch monitors (IntelliTouch 2500S / S-Cap 5020), the user is continuously being prompted to calibrate their touch monitor(s) after reboot. Bug fix for not mapping touch to display after calibration is performed in Windows 8.1. Bug fix for partially removing Elo files after user confirmed not to proceed with uninstallation. Release 6.4.0 Mouse mode support on all platforms. Edge acceleration value changes after calibration. Lost touch in ESD test. Touch sensitivity options for 2701, 2521 and 2515-07. Touch visual feedback for calibration testing. Hide mouse curser (system wide). Option to enforce single-touch. EloDriverDefaults.exe (added 2 more parameters) Calibration issue on IDS monitors (resolution not reported correctly , touch targets off position). Support additional IntelliTouch Pro monitors. Adopt new product names IntelliTouch and IntelliTouch Pro. Elo API: Get touch point returns either raw or calibrated points. Missing EloService during silent installation. EloConfig UI shows garbage text in some systems. Calibration on spanned display with rotation. Avoid multi-instance of EloConfig.exe. UI Constraints in CommonSetting Dialog Release 6.4.1 User's choice for "Single Touch Mode" is not saved between reboots. Touch count was incorrectly limited to 4 in some Optical monitors. Set touch limit did not work correctly for certain pCap. Beep settings and HidCursor did not retain the states between sessions. Support more pCaps. Improve double-click performance. Right-click and hold to bring up context menu. Release 6.4.2 Fix the occasional setup failure especially with some fresh. Certain IR monitors lost touch after 3-point calibratio. Release 6.4.3 Support 10-touch pCap (PID 0x212C). Support 10-touch IR (PID 0x13). Bug fix for EloDriverDefaults.exe. Release 6.4.4 beta Fix "EnableOneTouch" using EloSetup and EloOptions.ini. During setup, it takes too long before the license dialogbox shows up. EloDriverDefaults has not been fully tested for this beta release. Release 6.5.0 (04-13-2015 v6.5.0.23) Configure Beep, Touch mode and Enforce single touch as per-device settings. Double-click settings (speed and size). Right-click button (in mouse mode only). Per-monitor touch property settings using EloOptions.ini and EloDriverDefaults. Support pCap PID 0x67. Setup supports more user defined settings under [Setup Options] in EloOptions.ini. Release 6.5.0 b35 (04-29-2015) Incorrect prompt for re-calibration with IR monitors. Fix calibration issue when IRAutoCalibration is enabled on system with IR and pCap. Connected serial touch devices not installed during silent installation. Installation on POSReady 2009 prompting for mouse drivers. Release 6.6.0 (08-06-2015) Custom touch-to-display mapping for pCap and IR (after install). Right-click button sometimes stuck with the "On" state. Spanned mode setup dialogbox shows up unexpected. Prompt for calibration when invoking the Right-click button when the monitor is calibrated. IR calibration data in EloOptions.ini not get applied during calibration. Motherboard beep on Win8.1. Settings defined under [Setup Options] in EloOptions.ini will apply to new devices. EloTouchZone shows blank dialog box with certain system locales. EloWritePRM bug fix. Release 6.7.0 (10-02-2015) Supporting more pCaps. API bug fix: EnableTouch, Get/Set Max Touch. EloTouchZone show blank UI for certain system locales. Release 6.8.0 (02-29-2016) Support new IntelliTouch controller (PID 0x28). Replaced PID 0x214E with 0x8A6E. Verify NVRam Cal data writing during calibration. Use 0x4E7/0x2410 to replace PIDs 0x9570 and 0x991C. Rotation for one-touch pCap. No longer prompt for calibration at end of Setup. AccuTouch issues: prompt calibration on reboot, failed to calibrate, FW version missing in 32 bit OS. Unexpected prompt for calibration on reboot when a calibrated monitor connect to a new system. Sometimes during calibration, overlapped dialog boxes were observed. Fix calibration failure on 2500U. On some systems, right-click context manual pops up when resumed from S3/S4 modes. Added ini option AutoInvokeCalibration to enable/disable auto invoking calibration. Release 6.8.1 (02-23-2016, custom release) Issues when install as mouse device but previous uninstall did not restore inbox HID mouse state. Release 6.8.2 (05-06-2016) EloConfig property page: sometimes two mouse mode checkboxes can be selected. Support onboard calibration for pid 0x28's emulation mode 2521. Indicate pid 0x28 emulation mode in property page with "(e)". During calibration cursor should not show up. Fix for UTLIRDiag where beep setting back to default at start of the utility. Rotate and calibration issue if installed as mouse device for pid x28 or its 2521 emulation. No longer use Smartset commands for retrieving controller serial numbers. Automatic touch to display mapping for pCap 0x8A6E. During calibration, the "Retry" does not work if mouse click mode is Click-on-Touch. Release 6.8.3 build9 (07-12-2016) When serial monitors are installed as mouse device, touch mapped to wrong monitor after calibration. Right-click context menu does not pop up reliably on certain pCap monitors. Touch still get registered if quick draw through Elo Touch Zone where touch is disabled. Lock certain EloConfig UI options by using EloOptions.ini entry "LockedConfiguration". Retrieve certain controller's serial numbers from their customized configuration blocks (PID 0x212C and 0x8A6E). When Cursor Edge Acceleration is enabled, mouse pointer positon is off from dragging finger. Release 6.8.3 build10 (07-14-2016) Re-built and re-WHQLed. Release 6.8.4 (07-21-2016) No reboot needed for serial driver installation. Reading controller (PID 0x212C and 0x8A6E) SNs. Reduce calibration startup time (EloConfig /align). Release 6.8.5 (07-25-2016) Fix Elo API for setting beep options. Release 6.9.0 (09-14-2016) IR failed beam monitoring. EloDriverDefault fix for ini’s monitor sections. Release 6.9.1 (10-12-2016) Support 20-touch IR monitors (PID: 0x13, size: 55/70 in). Release 6.9.2 (11-10-2016) Write controller calibration only during manual calibration. Restore controller calibration parameters after user has canceled a calibration session. Added Monitor S/N as one of the device parameters. Chinese Traditional text is not displayed correctly on Win10 LTSB. Allow user to use MS API GetMessageExtraInfo to distinguish between finger touch and physical mouse click. EloOptions.ini has detailed instructions. Release 6.9.3 (12-19-2016) Legacy touch monitors in span mode: touch and hold causes shoot-ups. Chinese text too small on some Win10 LTSB systems. Display waiting message before display 1st calibration target. Sometimes need to touch the 1st target multiple times during calibration. EloConfig flashes at system start. Command line calibration: allow user to calibrate a touch screen to specified monitor. EloConfig-AboutBox-Identify Monitors: display Elo Monitor Numbers on all monitors connected to the system. EloConfig - Property page: Checkbox for "Restore Calibration Default" replaced with a Button with additional action: turn controller mode settings to default (onboard calibration is off). Span mode settings not persistent between reboots. Release 6.9.4 (12-28-2016) Uninstallation: remove serial installation only if serial driver has been installed. Uninstallation: no longer copies EloDelMe.bat to C:\ root. Release 6.9.5 (01-11-2017) EloTouchZones: Right-click on touch-disabled area still brings up the context manual. EloConfig /align: Add more options to align monitor to primary or the non-primary. Please see User manual section 3.2.1 for details. PulseTouch preference parameters defined in EloOptions.ini is not applied after installation. Release 6.9.6 (03-02-2017) Supporting 12-touch pCap (PID 0x240C). Release 6.9.7 (05-18-2017) Lost touch on Windows 10 Creator (v1703). Restore the “Border Warning” for 2515. Sync up distributed SDK header files. EloConfig - Property: Enable IR Monitor Beep for Elo legacy IR monitors only. Release 6.9.8 (08-28-2017) Missing prompt at end of uninstallation of serial drivers. IR Beam Block Monitoring improvements. XP System with 2 PulseTouch monitors freezes at shutdown. Release (08-30-2017) EloDriverDefaults crashes. Release 6.9.9 (09-24-2017) Custom build (detect stuck point and power-cycle the device). Correct HID Report feature ID for certain pCaps. Add new device param to turn off device power settings. Release 6.9.10 (09-27-2017) Correct HID Report feature ID for certain pCaps. Correct the Elo support link in AboutBox. Show PID on EloConfig’s Property Page. Release 6.9.11 (Dec. 05 2017) Some touch monitors failed to switch to digitizer mode after wakeup. Release 6.9.12 (12-18-2017) Mapping multiple APR Cal file from network storage. Mapping certain pCap touch monitors with monitor serial number stored in NVRAM. No touch after uninstallation. Fix Elo API EloSetCalData issue with EloWriteCtrlCalData utility. Added version lock for using Elo SDK. Release v6.9.14 (02-02-2018) Support more pCaps (0x080B and 0x080C) Security venerability issue in EloService execution path. Fixed hanging issue for APR flash download progress dialog box. Release v6.9.15 (02-26-2018) Fix right-click button tool in mouse mode. Calibration session invoked by pressing Enter key after reboot. EloConfig: set focus to the Close button at system start up and each time invoked from desktop. Release v6.9.16 (03-16-2018) Add option to generate kernel level logging in Windows Event Log. Release v6.9.17 (06-18-2018) EloConfig: show controller model information in the Property page. Add PID 0x28 into touch sensitivity supporting list. Stricter checking for previous installed Elo package during new installation. Kernel mode multi-touch information logging. Release v6.9.18 (08-03-2018) USB driver fix for gaps showing when flicking in corner area. USB driver fix (workaround) for drawing line shoot ups. Updated Elo logo. Release v6.9.19 (10-17-2018) Hidden Taskbar not shown after rotating the monitor 90 degrees and followed by a calibration on Windows 7. Elo Serial installation folder remains after uninstallation. EloX crashes USB Controller reset. Release 6.9.20 (02-11-2019) Add driver support for the new pCap monitor (PID 0x2902) Fix EloConfig startup error in Windows XP. v6.9.21 (3-21-2019) Internal only, not released. v6.9.22 (5-16-2019) EloConfig: new option in EloOptions.in to map touch to Elo monitor. USB driver: driver support for new pCap monitor (7in PID 0x1080). EloSetup: Smartset commands in EloOptions.ini not executed with serial interface. EloCalMgr: v2.5.2, new command line option /setdef to set controller defaults. Use driver calibration for AT Serial interface. Calibration failure on ForceMouse mode with video rotation. Show configuration file version (if available) on pCap PID 0090 in Properties page v6.9.23 (08-23-2019) EloConfig: fixed handle leaks. Support pCap PID 0x801 (65in, 40Touch). Support pCap PID 0x2903 (15.6in) v6.9.24 (12-09-2019) EloOptions.ini: Options to map touch to primary or non-primary Support pCap PID 0x820 (10Touch). v7.0.0.42 (07-24-2020) ・Include Elo Service Reporting installation ・Updated dll, User manual ・Provide users options to launch Clean Screen session. This version supports systems with only one Elo touch monitor connected. ・Keyboard shortcut (CTRL+RESET) to reset controller. ・Support CTR-835600 RS232 Based Controller. ・Passing Microsoft HLK/HCK Driver Certification for Windows 10/8.1/8/7 ・Support Displaylink PulseTouch and AccuTouch. ・Note on Installation on Windows XP: v7.0.1.4 (08-13-2020) ・Provide users options to launch Clean Screen session. This version supports systems with multi Elo touch monitors connected. v7.0.2.6 (11-12-2020) 1. USB drivers: Support 2 more touch monitors (PID 0x816 with Active Pen, PID 0x820 with report 0x17).[WINMT-51]. 2. EloConfig: multiple-touch screen support for Screen Cleaning Notifications.[WINMT-53] 3. EloConfig: Keyboard controller reset: 3 fast press of CTRL key, no longer use Windows Hotkeys. Provided EloOptions.ini option to turn this feature off. [WINMT-61] 4. EloConfig: Run EloProbe “Common Settings”.[WINMT-46]. 5. EloResetController.exe: Porting controller reset functions from 6.9.12 with additional checking of running calibration session.[WINMT-60] 6. EloDriverDefaults: support turning on/off “LogKernelEvents”. [WINMT-62] 7. EloCalMgr.exe: added new command line options to retrieve or set controller calibration data:[WINMT-48] /get_cal_data: retrieve current controller calibration data and save it in EloCalMgr.ini. /set_cal_data: enable controller calibration with calibration data stored in EloCalMgr.ini. 8. EloConfig: display PID and HID Report ID in property page's “Controller Model Name” field. v7.0.3.1 (12-04-2020) 1. In EloSetup and EloDriverDefaults projects: Copy missing part from v6.9 to add "PCapFrozenTouchRecovery" feature into Registry according to the settings in EloOptions.ini. v7.1.0.3 (02-04-2021) 1. Support PID 0x865 (CTR-835600) [WINMT-50], and PID 0xD22 (CTR-826019) [WINMT-68]. 2. Occasional system BSOD when LogKernelEvents or PCapFrozenTouchRecovery is enabled in EloOptions.ini.[WINMT-72]. 3. If touch controller does not support mouse mode and Elo driver is in mouse mode(ForceMouse=1), kernel memory will be corrupted when multiple fingers touch the screen. The fix is to allocate proper size of memory.[WINMT-73] 4. Controller serial number missing in property page for RS232 interface.[WINMT-75].. 5. ELoConfig: language resource correction for drag delay and untouch timeout page. 6. Elo SDK manual changed to PDF format.[WINMT-70]. 7. EloProbe: v1.0.56 collect OS SKU information 8. EloConfig should not respond when F1 key is pressed.[WINMT-66]. 9. EloResetController supports DDC/CI command (EloResetController.exe /ddcci) to restart touch controller. v7.1.1.0 (02-17-2021) 1. Prompt users to remove if an existing Elo driver is detected and stops installation. If in silent mode, the setup will terminate and returns error (value 1) to the calling batch process [WINMT-78]. This is an old bug was carried over from MT 6.9.20 2. Digital sign EloVideoConfig.dll and Devcon.exe (32/64 bit) [WINMT-81]. 3. Running EloConfig.exe no longer depends on the presence of devcon.exe v7.2.0.7 (06-01-2021) 1. Fixed EloConfig.exe does not run with non-admin account.[WINMT-84]. Current user must log off (sign out) before another user logs in. 2. Dual monitor mapping swapped after system reboot with USB C cable or 7000L [WINMT-83] 3. No touch on PID 0x820 Report ID 0x18 [WINMT-86] 4. EloConfig: Firmware version is not shown correctly for controller PID 0x90 [WINMT-90] 5. Uninstallation not working on some Windows 7 Embedded systems. 6. Driver signed with new DigiCert EV certificates. 7. Driver fixed for PID 2902/2903 to work with new firmware [WINMT-88] 8. Dynamic ForceMouse through EloDriverDefaults [WINMT-91] 9. Correct kernel memory pool allocation tags (possible cause of BSOD). v7.2.1.5 (09-13-2021) 1. Add support for 2 pCaps: PID 0x2910 (COF CAB-TP-SCN-COF-85-F-R) and PID 0x2927 (COF CTR-824022) [WINMT-93] 2. Add "Enable Drag" option for Click-on-touch (COT) and Click-on-release (COR) [WINMT-99] 3. Support Push-To-Talk in digitizer mode if COR with "Enable Drag" has been selected. 4. EloProbe: collect Elo monitor's SN/PN through VPC. 5. Elo Service Report Client/Server: collect system local, shorten some reporting parameters. 6. EloConfig: Touch mode "Mouse emulation" changed to "Normal". 7. USB Driver: fix touch issue during device enumeration on system with multiple touch monitors [WINMT-92]. v8.0.0.10 (02-08-2022) 1. Supporting HLK for Windows 11 (Win11 SDK/WDK/VS2019). 2. Include Touch Analyzer as an optional installation [WINMT-47] 2. USB driver: fix an integer overflow in untouch timeout settings [WINMT-105] 3. EloConfig: disable touch is not saved [WINMT-110] 4. Dropped support for Windows XP, support Windows Server 2022. v9.0.0.23 (02-28-2023) 1. EloConfig: UI overhaul; major functions are accessible from top-level UI selections [WINMT-132]. 2. Beep Options: Provides more beep sounds [WINMT-130]. 3. Function and UI redesign: Touch zone, Clean Screen, Edge Acceleration. 4. Software Keyboard: can be invoked anytime regardless if the OS has been configured as tablet or not. 5. New function to config a single-click to behave as a double-click. 6. Support more controllers: pCap: 80H84 (with serial interface), mouse-mode pCap. pCap: 81H84 (with serial interface), single-touch digitizer. pCap: with option to switch mouse-mode to single-touch digitizer through OSD. IR: PID 0x13 with updated VID. pCap pid 0x8A6E: Support controller configured as native mouse [WINMT-139]. 7. Improve reliability of controller reset (by Double-Press the CTRL key on a keyboard [WINMT-135]). 8. User manual and SDK manual: use RTF format instead of PDF [WINMT-134]. 9. EloProbe: allow users to use console output redirection [WINMT-133]. 10. Major bug fixes: WINMT-114: Support new VCP code B5 (humidity). WINMT-127: Touch monitor (pid 0x7200) did not draw correctly. WINMT-128: Simplify Service Reporting Client (remove local logging, network resume). WINMT-129: EloConfig: identify AT 2216 and 2218 and show accordingly. WINMT-145: ini's Touch sound settings not picked up for newly plugged in devices. WINMT-146: Serial installation did not work if hardware handshaking set to 1. WINMT-149: EloDriverDefaults: -r option did not work for controller pid 0x8A6E. WINMT-154: Unexpected characters in EULA text. WINMT-162: Calibration lost after unplug video cable under mouse-mode in portrait mode. WINMT-163: EloResetController: simplify usage options, more meaningful console output. WINMT-170: Simplify ini settings for enabling frozen touch detection. WINMT-173: IDS-IR: no touch under "Click on Finger Down". WINMT-175: Span mode: touch calibration lost after reboot. v9.0.1.5 (06-05-2023) WINMT-178: Monitor (pid 0x26) lost touch after reboot if Single-touch selected in Touch Settings. WINMT-180: EloConfig: Touch settings, sometimes more than one radio buttons got selected. WINMT-181: EloSerRptClient not working. WINMT-182: EloConfig: Calibration data not saved on legacy monitors with mouse-mode installation. WINMT-184: ELoConfig: After calibration, Elo IR monitor touch got rotated if USB cable re-plugged. WINMT-185: Support pCap (0x820) 1099L with serial interface. WINMT-186: Support pCap 0x1C00 in mouse-mode (10in). WINMT-190: EloConfig: report legacy controller's diagnostic codes. v9.2.0.8 (08-27-2024) USB driver: - Add Support for PID 0x1080 with active mouse collection. Add Support for PID 0x1080 with Auto-Detect firmware (first implemented in 1304L monitor) [WINMT-210] - Add Support for new touch controller VID:PID 0x04E7:0x0843 (first implemented in 4304L monitor) [WINMT-207] - Add Support for new touch controllers VID:PID 0x2FE9:0x0013 and 0x04E7:0x0013 (first implemented in 5053L, 5553L, 6553L, 5054L, 5554L) [WINMT-205] RS232 driver: - Fix problem: Setup is hanging when searching for Elo monitor serial port [WINMT-217] ========================================================================= タッチパネル・システムズ株式会社 住所 :神奈川県横浜市港北区新横浜1-19-20 SUN HAMADA BLDG.2F 電話 :045-478-2161 ファックス:045-478-3677 タッチパネル・システムズ サポートセンター 電話 :03-5464-5835 ファックス:03-5464-5478 E-Mail :tpstech@tps-support.com お電話受付時間:月~金 9:00~12:00,13:00~17:00 (祝日・年末年始および弊社定休日を除く) COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: Copyright 2024 Elo Touch Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.